Apply For Grants

Applying for a Grant


Applying for a grant is easy, but you need to ensure that;

The application fits within the Authorised Purpose of The North and South Trust Limited (see below). The ‘Authorised Purpose’ is the definition of what the company is licensed to make grants to.

The applicant is a non-profit body.

The grant is to be applied to specific and future purposes; no retrospective grants can be made.

The application is made through The North and South Limited online application form.

Ensure that you complete the application in full and ensure that all the supporting documentation is provided with the application.

If your application does not fit within the Authorised Purpose or is incomplete then the Trust will return your grant application to you.


Authorised Purpose

The Authorised Purpose of The North and South Trust Limited is;

The promotion and development of amateur rugby union football through direct support of the Auckland Rugby Referees’ Association, the Auckland Primary Schools’ Rugby Union, the Auckland Secondary Schools’ Rugby Union, and rugby clubs affiliated to, and sub-unions of, the Auckland Rugby Football Union Incorporated and deemed to have subscribed to and be bound by the constitution and rules of Auckland Rugby Football Union Incorporated and the constitution and rules of the New Zealand Rugby Football Union Incorporated.

The promotion and development of any amateur sports playing in recognised leagues or competitions, including but not limited to the provision of ground hire or maintenance fees, buildings and facilities, equipment and uniforms, travel and accommodation costs, tournament fees, referees and educational programmes.

To assist and benefit any charitable, educational, cultural or philanthropic purpose or any other purpose that is beneficial to the public or a section of it.


Grant Applications

All Grant Applications are to be made online.

All applications are considered against our Authorised Purpose, Grants Distribution Policy and funds available. We encourage all applicants to read the grant distribution criteria, authorised purposes, and guidelines before completing an application.

Apply Now


Distribution and Timing

The Board generally meet on the fourth week of each month to consider grant applications. The Board meet a minimum of once every three months. Please refer to our next funding rounds for close off dates and meeting dates.

Please see below for the Trusts current grant distribution policy.

The North and South Trust Ltd – Grant Distribution Policy


Helpful Guidelines for Applicants

To assist applicants with their application please refer to the following documents and links prior to filling out an application:

Grants for Sports – Helpful Guidelines – This document details helpful guidelines on who is eligible to apply, grants that can be funded, grants that are not eligible.

DIA Guidance – Funding for Community Groups

Declaration of Consent – This document must be signed and uploaded into the required field, in all Grant applications.


The Grant Process

In accordance with section 109 of the Gambling Act 2003, the Net Proceeds Committee has conducted an annual review of the criteria, methods, systems and policies it uses for consideration of the applications for the distribution of net proceeds. This review was approved on 22 May 2024 by the Net Proceeds Committee. The results of this review are:

The objectives of NSTL remain unchanged, which is to maximise the proceeds that are applied to Authorised Purposes. The criteria, methods, systems and policies are believed to be working effectively and therefore have remained unchanged. The criteria and conditions for allocation of Grants have remained unchanged. Please refer to our website to view or download a copy of NSTL’s current Grant Distribution Policy.

The Directors and management continue to maximise the proceeds available through minimising costs and implementing efficiency as well as ensuring full compliance with all gaming regulatory requirements.



Grants by The North and South Trust Limited are donations as an unconditional gift. No portion is claimed by the Trust as a deduction for GST. If a grant applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded.

Next Funding Rounds

The Board generally meet on the fourth week of each month to consider grant applications.  The Board meet a minimum of once every three months.